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Is Whole30 really worth the hype? Here’s what a dietitian says.
As far as January resolutions go (if you’re into that type of thing), Whole30 is certainly one of the most common things healthy eaters turn to. But the 30-day plan, which urges people to focus on eating whole foods and cutting out refined sugar, grains, legumes, and dairy, isn’t easy to stick to. But many who see it through swear by its benefits…once they’ve shut up about how hard it was, of course.
So is the Whole30 worth it? In the latest episode of You Versus Food, registered dietitian Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, RD, doesn’t hold back on the eating plan. “Whole30 has gained popularity because it’s marketed as a way of life or a way to learn how to eat, rather than a way to diet,” Beckerman says. Certainly sounds appealing.
However, it comes with a temporary nutritional price. “By completely eliminating grains and legumes, you are missing out on essential nutrients such as iron, folate, fiber, healthy carbs, and B vitamins,” she says. Beckerman also says that there is no medical research on Whole30, so while anecdotally you may hear from your friends (or influencers) how great it is, more research still needs to be done to confirm its benefits.
The truth is, Whole30 isn’t all good or all bad. Watch the episode above to see Beckerman sound off on more pros and cons, and find out her verdict on if it’s an eating plan to try this January. Check it out for the (ahem) whole truth.
For more healthy eating advice, here’s what to eat for improved energy and to boost gut health.
Written by: WellGood