
From Negativity To Bliss. – My Story

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I was suffering on a daily basis from more anxiety, stress, fear, lack of confidence, and negativity than I can ever describe. My mind was stressing me out and giving me mental hell. I went on suffering for a long time.

Then I got to know a girl but I became attached to her. I thought that she was the only one who could make me happy. I had another mental breakdown because, after a time, I found out that she saw me only as a friend.

After that, I ordered The Greatest Secret book because it was claimed that it can free you from anxiety, fear, and negativity. When it arrived, I read a chapter every day and was determined to change my life. I also watched the live videos with Rhonda and I found them so amazing. I think without them I would not have had a breakthrough.

I read the book and was doing the Awareness practice. I struggled because I tried to find Awareness with my mind. Then as I was still following Rhonda and other teachers and masters. I zoomed out my attention so it was wide like a camera.

Now, I finally can let go of all negativity but I still watch videos of Rhonda, OSHO, and Mooji to make sure I learned what was missing. Right now I stay as Awareness and feel so much bliss inside me that you can not even imagine!
I do not delay happiness for later and I make happiness my purpose in life.

I wish that the book had mentioned ‘mind attacks’ because I had 3 days where I was afraid of death and my mind came back ‘attacking the person’. But I still knew that Grace was with me.

I feel it is so hard to describe because it is beyond the mind and its limits:

-my mind is calm.
-releasing more and more negativity.
-the goal of life is life itself.
-not scared of events or death.
-happiness and peace.
-life is more and more effortless.
-healthier than ever.
-better relationships.
-not chase but attract.
-giving mindset instead of needing.
-practice gratitude.
– much more positivity.

I can tell you one thing, whatever you do, read or listen to The Greatest Secret.

I became self-realized and found home. It’s worth every second you put into it. Unlimited love. Everyone can live a life of bliss and peace without problems or negativity. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Submitted by: David

Berlin in Germany

Pure Awareness.

Powered by The Secret


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