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This 3-ingredient high-fiber flaxseed cracker recipe makes enough snacks for the whole week

Crackers are the ultimate snack food. You can eat them with slices of cheese, make miniature peanut butter sandwiches, smear on a tasty spread. And there’s no need to get out of your pajamas and run to the grocery store to grab a box because you can make your own flaxseed cracker at home with a recipe that calls for just three ingredients you already have on hand.

I had no idea crunchy, delicious crackers were so easy to make—not until peeping the flaxseed cracker recipe from Megan Shanley, the foodie behind Fabulous Fiber. Just a quarter of the flaxseed cracker recipe contains a whopping 16 grams of fiber, and that’s just the beginning of the nutritional perks. You also get a boost of omega-3s, magnesium, and protein from snacking on them.

Aside from the flaxseeds, the only other ingredients you to make these crackers are pink Himalayan salt, and Bragg’s 24 Herbs and Spices Blend—or whatever type of salt and spices you have on hand. You can play around with the recipe to make different flavors, like nutritional yeast, red pepper flakes or cayenne pepper, or dried rosemary and thyme. Then, enjoy them as crackers or get creative.

“They add the perfect crunch to veggie bowls, and they’re delicious topped with vegan cream cheese,” says Shanley. “You can even toss them in your salad, transforming an otherwise mediocre bowl of greens into a satisfying, nutrient-dense meal that will help keep you full. Think of them as a superfood crouton.”

To make your own crackers—which will make you feel just as cool as making your own bread—promise!—try Shanley’s simple flaxseed cracker recipe below. Then let the snacking begin.

Flaxseed cracker recipe

1 cup whole flaxseeds
1/2 cup water
1 tsp Bragg’s 24 Herbs and Spices Blend (or whatever you have on hand)
1/4 tsp pink Himalayan salt (or whatever salt you have on hand)

1. Add flaxseeds, water, and seasoning to a mixing bowl. Mix until the seasoning is evenly distributed. Cover and place in the refrigerator for 12 to 18 hours.
2. Place the flax mixture on a piece of parchment paper. Place another piece of parchment paper on top and flatten out the seed mixture until it’s approximately 1/4 inch thick.
3. Bake at 275°F until the edges are crispy, which should take 50 to 60 minutes.
4. After it cools, break it into pieces and enjoy.

Written by: WellGood


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