
Jared Fogle: BRUTALLY Beaten in Prison Yard!

JaredFogle3ABRUTALLYBeateninPrisonYard.png 740859 (via Primetweets)

As you probably know Fogle was sentenced to 15 years behind bars after pleading guilty to possession of child porn and soliciting sex from a minor back in November.
Life on the inside is rough for any inmate, but it tends to be particularly hard on child molesters and not-particularly-well-liked public figures.
Fogle, of course, is both, and to the surprise of no one, his fellow prisoners haven’t been particularly welcoming.
Reports of Fogle being harassed behind bars began to circulate shortly after his sentence started, and it seems the abuse has only escalated.
Today, TMZ is reporting that Fogle was viciously assaulted after being ambushed in the prison yard back on January 29.
News of the attack just went public today, and by all accounts, Fogle didn’t put up much of a fight.
James Nigg – a 60-year-old serving time on a weapons charge – reportedly pushed Fogle and began pummeling him in the face.
TMZ reached out to members of Nigg’s family, who say they’re not surprised by the assault.
Apparently, Nigg had been complaining about the presence of child molesters in the minimum security prison for years, and Fogle was just the final straw.

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