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Concept Art: Walt Disney World’s Cinderella Castle is Getting An Upgrade

Walt Disney World’s most iconic building is getting a facelift.

Cinderella Castle, the centerpiece of Disney’s Magic Kingdom park in Florida, is getting “a bold, shimmering and royal makeover” to celebrate Cinderella’s 70th anniversary and the upcoming 50th anniversary of Walt Disney World. Check out some concept art of the new enhancement below.

Cinderella Castle Upgrade Concept Art

Disney’s animated adaptation of Cinderella hit theaters 70 years ago this week, so the Disney Parks Blog took that as an opportunity to announce the upcoming enhancement to Cinderella Castle. For years, the castle was dominated by grays and blues, but as you can see, this renovation/makeover will incorporate even darker blues and add some pink and gold to the design, making it look a bit more like the Sleeping Beauty Castle over at Disneyland.

The updates will begin in the weeks to come and continue through the summer, which makes sense given that several elements of Walt Disney World are getting overhauled in preparation for the park’s 50th anniversary next year.

You can see the current Cinderella Castle color and design scheme in the background of this video that the Disney Parks YouTube channel released last summer:


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