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Jimmy Butler On T.J. Warren: ‘He’s Not Even In My F*ckin’ League’

jimmy butler on t j warren hes not even in my fckin league (via Primetweets)

Every now and then, Jimmy Butler turns the Jimmy Butler dial all the way up to 11 and says or does something very funny. One such incident occurred on Wednesday night following Miami’s 122-108 win over the Indiana Pacers, a game which featured tensions boiling over between Butler and Pacers forward T.J. Warren.

While a fight didn’t break out or anything, Butler and Warren got awfully physical with one another. Butler was able to bait Warren into picking up a technical foul that led to him getting tossed, and after the Heat star blew a kiss, Warren responded by flipping him off. It was something that Butler was, inevitably, going to be asked about after the game, and as anyone who has ever seen Jimmy Butler after a testy game could have anticipated, he put on a show for the assembled press.

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Here’s a clip of Butler meeting with the media and discussing Warren. There are a lot of things in here, so please watch and we’ll reconvene after. Do know that Butler gives the Fox Sports Sun bleep guy an absolute workout.

A quick list of things Butler says, for those who cannot watch the clip:

  • “I think it’s tough for him because I can guard him and he can’t guard me.”
  • “I think you just gotta watch your mouth in certain situations, there’s some sh*t that you just don’t say as a man.”
  • “It’s all good, cuz we see ’em again.”
  • “I ain’t scared of nobody, so he talkin’ about we gon’ fight, this that, this that. It is what it is to me.”
  • “He’s soft, he’s soft.”
  • “He’s not even in my f*ckin’ league. Like, nowhere near me.”
  • “If I was their coach, I would never put him on me, ever again. Like, no. Put somebody else on me, cuz I’m gonna tear his ass up every time. He’s trash.”

Jimmy Butler is our most powerful natural resource, and as humanity looks for a replacement for fuel, I would recommend the fire within him that apparently comes out when he plays against T.J. Warren. Anyway, the Heat and Pacers will play again on March 20 and April 7, and I demand the NBA flexes both games into primetime if they’re not there already, because Jimmy already has it circled on his calendar. Literally.

Written by: Uproxx


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