Kelly Clarkson shared the cutest quarantine video with her 4.9 million followers on Instagram of herself in her bathroom, talking about life. Then, to honor Kenny Rogers, she performed a cover of his song, “Sweet Music Man,” saying it was her favorite of all of his songs. See for yourself below.
After that, Clarkson shared how Amazon was a life-saver during quarantine because her 3-year-old son had grown out of his clothes. But then she went off on a slight tangent, after being concerned that people might call her out on talking about ordering clothes during the coronavirus. She said, “We really should just all be kind. Whether it’s a person in the limelight or a person at home, people doing videos are just trying to make people happy and give you a distraction so maybe ease up on humans for right now.”
She makes a fair point and fans echoed her positive sentiment. Someone commented: “You are delightful!” Someone else wrote: “Great tribute sweetheart! Isn’t it liberating to show the world the natural you, talent taking front and center. Beautiful Kelly!”
Written by: Nicki