Monday, February 24 has been designated as Twin Peaks Day. It’s not meant to celebrate the day David Lynch’s game-changing show premiered; that would be April 8, 1990. Rather, it’s the date FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) states in his very first scene in the very first episode, as he drives into the titular Washington State town that would soon dominate, even destroy his life. The day was celebrated by many, including MacLachlan himself, who, as noticed by Entertainment Weekly, decided to ring it in in a most 2020 way.
The acclaimed actor decided to join TikTok, the video service that has taken social media by storm. And MacLachlan’s maiden voyage turned out to be a recreation of that beloved first scene, which finds Cooper speaking into his trusty tape recorder, enthusiastically relaying an avalanche of facts and thoughts that ostensibly would one day be listened to by the elusive Diane.
It’s a popular speech, instantly setting up Cooper’s so-square-he’s-almost-cool vibe while showing off MacLachlan’s yen for deadpan comedy. The version the actor recorded for social media purposes wasn’t an exact recreation; he simply mouthed along to a video of the speech while pedaling on a stationary bike in front of a makeshift car window comprised of crayons and construction paper. His hair is gray now — he turned 60 the previous Saturday — but he still gives it his all. And he offered an appropriately eccentric way to celebrate a very important day in pop culture history. What year is it, indeed?
You can watch the video on MacLachlan’s TiKTok page.
(Via EW)
Written by: Uproxx