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Mysterious Sony/Marvel Movie Arriving in 2021

Hello there, release date fiends. If you’re reading this that can only mean one thing: you love release date news. Well, good, because we’ve got some. Sony has dated a mysterious Untitled Sony/Marvel movie for the year 2021, should we all be lucky enough to make it that far. What could this be? We don’t know, but we’re going to speculate, because we want to quench your thirst for hot, hot release date gossip.

Clear your calendars for October 8, 2021 – that’s the date when a new Untitled Sony/Marvel movie will grace theaters. Whatever this title is, it’s bound to be part of Sony’s ever-growing Spider-Man-adjacent universe. While Tom Holland’s Spidey is technically part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Sony still owns the rights to most Spider-Man material, and they’re hellbent on capitalizing on that.

And they’ve proven they can, too. Venom, starring Tom Hardy as the goo-slicked antihero, did boffo box office. Next up? Morbius, starring Jared Leto as the living vampire. That’s due out on July 31, 2020. Then there’s Venom 2, which will arrive on October 2, 2020. So what is this 2021 movie? While I’d love for it to be a Into the Spider-Verse sequel, it’s not that.

It could be a Kraven the Hunter movie, which Sony has in the works from writer Richard Wenk. At one point, Sony was also planning Silver and Black, a film that would feature Black Cat and Silver Sable. But the studio removed it from its release calendar and then decided to rework things as two different movies – one focused on Silver Sable, the other on Black Cat.

Then there’s Silk, which was announced back in 2018 at Sony. This film would follow Silk, aka Cindy Moon, a female classmate of Peter Parker who also gets radioactive spider-powers.

So there you have it: this Untitled Sony/Marvel movie could be any of those titles. Or it could be something completely new that we haven’t even heard about yet. Dare to dream, folks.

Cool Posts From Around the Web: Written by: Slash


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