
Nominated Asghar Farhadi at Oscars 2017 Won’t go to the Honor Function due to the ‘Muslim Ban’ by Trump

Asghar Farhadi The Salesman

Asghar Farhadi, the Oscar named executive of the motion picture The Salesman, purportedly won’t have the capacity to go to the 2017 Academy Awards occurring one month from now because of President Donald Trump’s “Muslim ban.” The United States President, is declining access to the United States for individuals from seven Muslim nations. There is an inconclusive restriction for everybody from Syria and there is a 90-day prohibition on visas for individuals from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.

Farhadi, who hails from Iran, is now an Oscar champ after his motion picture A Separation won the honor for Best Foreign Language Film in 2012. He’s selected again this year in a similar classification for The Salesman.

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