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Summary of Governors’ Meeting on Minimum Wage, Tax, and Other Matters

Details Of Governors Meeting On Minimum Wage Tax Others

An important meeting was convened on Wednesday, June 26, by Governors representing the Nigeria Governors’ Forum (NGF) to address the issue of a new minimum wage in Nigeria.

At the gathering in Abuja, the governors assured the populace that improved wages would be a byproduct of the current discussions involving the government, private sector, and organized labor.

In a statement released by the Governors’ Forum and endorsed by the NGF Chairman and Governor of Kwara State, AbdulRahman AbdulRasaq, the following key points were highlighted:

1. The forum engaged with the Acting Country Director of the World Bank, Mr. Taimur Samad, and his team to explore the organization’s ongoing initiatives in the States, encompassing various projects like HOPE, Food Security, Women Empowerment, Business Reforms, and Power and Irrigation programs.

2. The governors received a comprehensive update from Mr. Taiwo Oyedele, the head of the Presidential Fiscal Policy & Tax Reforms Committee, on the progress made in fiscal policy and tax reforms. They pledged their full support to ensure successful implementation at the grassroots level and committed to collaborative problem-solving.

3. A presentation from the Minister of Women Affairs on the World Bank–Nigeria for Women Project Scale-Up was well-received. The governors stressed the necessity of executing the project at the State level as originally intended, recognizing the primary role of States in the project’s success. They commended the Ministry of Women Affairs for its efforts in promoting gender equality and social development in Nigeria.

4. The Governors deliberated on the issue of the New National Minimum Wage and agreed to maintain dialogue with key stakeholders to achieve a mutually beneficial resolution. They reiterated their commitment to the process and affirmed that the ongoing negotiations would lead to improved wages.


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