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Superhero Bits: ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths’ Fixes a Plot Hole, Snyder Cut Campaign Does Some Good & More

What plot hole created by DC’s Legends of Tomorrow did Crisis on Infinite Earths just fix? What charitable thing did The Snyder Cut campaign pull off? When will Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight and She-Hulk start shooting? What does Mad Max: Fury Road director George Miller think of Martin Scorsese’s comments on Marvel movies? What year did Steve Rogers reunited with Peggy Carter at the end of Avengers: Endgame? All that and more in this edition of Superhero Bits.


Harley Quinn isn’t having the best day in this promo for the upcoming third episode of the new animated series.

Crisis On Infinite Earths surprisingly fixed a plot hole created by DC’s Legends of Tomorrow season one.

A full Stargirl trailer must be coming soon since DC Universe released this new title treatment and brief teaser.

The Snyder Cut campaign got Subway to donate 15,000 sandwiches to hungry families and support their cause.


The first edition of this Crisis on Infinite Earths featurette series goes behind the scenes of the first installment.

Thanks to Marvel Studios and the rest of their theatrical slate, Disney crossed $10 billion at the global box office.

Marvel Studios released an exclusive Black Widow poster to attendees at Comic-Con Experience (CCXP) in Brazil.

Kevin Feige says Ms. MarvelMoon Knight, and She-Hulk shows will start production sometime in 2020.

Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the next page of Superhero Bits.

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