Want to smell like The Punisher? Would you like to learn how to draw Groot? Where is a Batman cosplayer trying to keep people off the streets with a Batmobile? How is astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson ruining superheroes this time? Want to play as Deadpool in Fortnite? Why was Venom trending on Twitter before the weekend? Are you bummed that Iron Man VR has been delayed? All that and more in this edition of Superhero Bits.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sscRMl2h9g?feature=oembed&w=740&h=416]
You can draw an adorable version of Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy yourself with this video tutorial.
Dylan Walsh joined the cast of The CW’s Superman & Lois as General Lane, the father of Lois and Lucy.
In 1991 Marvel introduced a Thor’s Hammer trading card declaring Mjölnir to be made of the Asgardian metal Uru, weighing 42.3 lbs — but they didn’t specify where in the universe. That weight on the Mars moon Deimos, for example, corresponds to 140,000 pounds on Earth. pic.twitter.com/v984LzCJYr
— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) April 2, 2020
Neil deGrasse Tyson is back on his usual bullshit by bringing real science into the Marvel Comics universe.
Titans director/cinematographer Boris Mojovski confirmed Barbara Gordon/Batgirl is coming to the series.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cu4qAoeXow?feature=oembed&w=740&h=416]
Deadpool is now one of the skins available to play in Fortnite for those who have purchased the Battle Pass.
Apparently Iain Glenn said that he’ll be back as Bruce Wayne for the third season of Titans on DC Universe.
En las calles del centro de #Monterrey se vio al Batimóvil patrullando y mandando un mensaje a la ciudadanía para resguardarse en sus casas y evitar la propagación del #coronavirus. pic.twitter.com/RNBeOJWGpp
— Portal MX (desde ?) (@PortalMX_) March 28, 2020
Someone took to the streets of Monterrey in Nuevo León, Mexico in a Batmobile to tell people to stay at home.
ComicHub‘s distribution solution to the comic industry’s coronavirus turmoil will not be happening after all.
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the next page of Superhero Bits.
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