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The Changing Dynamics of Gyms: Women’s Impact on Fitness Spaces

Since Women Started Going To The Gym It Has Now

Okoroafor Uju Christabel, a woman from Nigeria, is facing backlash online for her remarks.

She has sparked controversy on Facebook by suggesting that women have transformed gyms into places for socializing, taking photos, and showcasing fashion.

“Men have traditionally frequented gyms for intense workouts and physical challenges,” she expressed her views on Thursday, June 20.

“With the introduction of women into gym spaces, there has been a shift towards it becoming a hub for social interactions, photography sessions, and a runway for fashion trends.

“Many women now attend the gym not only in workout attire but also in glamorous makeup and expensive hairpieces,

“Their gym routine often includes minimal exercise, extended photo sessions, prolonged phone use, leisurely strolls around the premises, and finally heading home.

“Some even freshen up their appearance before leaving the facility.”

“Uwa chinelo. Ps. If you come on this post to criticize, beware of the consequences,” she concluded.

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Her opinions have sparked a strong reaction on social media, with many users challenging her perspective and some individuals already condemning her statements.

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