Back in July of last year, those at the San Diego Comic Con became the first people to get their eyes on Wonder Woman 1984, the sequel to the film that gave the DCEU the shot in the arm it sorely needed. Now, a whole year and a half later, we finally have a trailer, and as its title promises, it’s thoroughly ’80s-tastic.
Gal Gadot returns as Diana Prince, the ageless Amazonian princess-turned-regular world badass. She was last seen in 2017’s Justice League, but until we get that Snyder Cut, forget about that: Fans mostly miss her from the first Wonder Woman, released earlier that year. That one was set during World War I, but this one jumps nearly seven decades, dropping her into the Reagan era, letting her strut to an orchestral cover of New Order’s “Blue Monday,” and even getting into a Commando-style mall battle.
The time hop also means most of the original cast has been jettisoned, much of them being mere mortals who wouldn’t live to see a semi-popular actor mostly known for simian comedies become the most powerful man in the world. (Fellow Themyscirians Connie Nielsen and Robin Wright will return, though.) One person who’s back: Chris Pine’s Steve Trevor, who tragically perished at Wonder Woman 1’s end but is somehow back for reasons that will probably make some kind of sense later. So enjoy him, and enjoy Kristen Wiig and Pedro Pascal as the main baddies who will probably have to deal with Diana’s golden whip at some point.
Wonder Woman 1984 hits theaters on June 5, 2020.
Written by: Uproxx