The Good Place was a show that went heavy on philosophy and, ultimately, optimism. Now it seems all the leg work to make its four seasons a reality will also result in a book about being, well, good.
The Associated Press reported on Tuesday that Schur, the creator of the NBC comedy that ended after four seasons earlier in 2020, will write a book about philosophy with the title “How To Be Good.”
Simon & Schuster announced Tuesday that the Emmy-winning writer, producer and actor is working on “How to Be Good: A Definitive Answer for Exactly What to Do, In Every Possible Situation,” in which he combines humor and philosophy to “deal with the large and small ethical challenges we all face every day.”
The book is scheduled for fall 2021.
In a statement according to ABC News, Schur admitted that “I have no idea how to write a book,” but editor Eamon Dolan said it “wouldn’t be a problem.”
I’m sure it will be better than the book written in the show, Six Feet Under Par, in which noted jerk Brent Norwalk launches the Chip Driver Mysteries in his afterlife to little fanfare.
I’m sure Chidi would be much more positive about this book and, considering how much philosophy the writers had to read to make it happen, it will be very well-researched.
Written by: Uproxx