Like Friends, The Office has endured long after its final episode aired thanks to the dedication of its fans, and because it’s short, reliably funny, and on television for large chunks of each weekday. Even its cast is obsessed with it. (Well, maybe aside from longtime main star Steve Carell.) Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey — you might know them as Paw Beesly and Angela Martin — even have a podcast about it, called Office Ladies, in which they reminisce about each and every episode, schooling listeners about episodes they’ve probably watched a dozen or so times, and talking about things like that “perfect” note Jim gave to Pam that one time.
The most recent episode focused on “The Injury,” the 12th episode of the second season, aka the one where Carell’s Michael Scott burns his foot on a George Forman Grill but comes to work anyway. It’s one of the ones written by co-star Mindy Kaling, and among the podcast episode’s revelations, caught by The A.V. Club, was this: Remember Pam’s gigantic brick of an mp3 player, known as the Prism DuroSport? The one Dwight Schrute dubbed “chunkier and more solid” than an iPod? Some members of the Office writers’ room were so obsessed with it that some of them gave it a fake website. And that website is still live.
It’s a pretty thorough — and pretty aughts-era — site, filled with little jokes and jokettes, starting with their latest model mp3 player: the Prism 6000, a “portable media player tough enough for the wild west!” The DuroSport company is said to have originated in 1969, and the splash page touts, in big font, their “52.25 Years of Innovation!” They also apparently sell scented spray cans for eBooks as well as a universal remote for universal remotes in the shape of a gun.
There’s a lot to be had on the site, including a blog that gives a stage to its Russian chief product engineer so he can rage. Meanwhile, you can delve into Fischer and Kinsey’s back catalogue, where you can enjoy the surreal sounds of Pam and Angela actually getting along, and famously.
You can listen to the Office Ladies episode on “The Injury” above.
(Via The A.V. Club)
Written by: Uproxx