In June 2018, Dennis Rodman’s combined histories with Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un came to a head when Trump met with the North Korean leader. CNN’s Chris Cuomo interviewed Rodman to ask him about the meeting between the two leaders since Rodman was the only person in the world who seemed to have a connection with both parties.
According to CNN, Rodman was wearing a MAGA hat in the interview, said of the meeting: “I think the fact that Trump would understand that the people of North Korea have a heart, they have soul, charisma, and they love each other.”
Rodman grew vividly emotional and began wiping tears from behind his sunglasses when he recounted his return from North Korea in 2014. He said: “When I got home, I got so many death threats. I was sitting up protecting everything. But I kept my head up high, brother. I knew things were gonna change. I was the only one.”
When asked if the White House reached out to the NBA star, Rodman said that Trump’s secretary called him and said: “Donald Trump is so proud of you, he says thank you,” (via CNN.)
Rodman ended on a note of optimism: “Let’s just hope for the best. We don’t need a miracle, we just need the doors to be open so we can start fresh and make this place a better world, baby, that’s it.”
Written by: Nicki