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Theme Park Bits: Updates on Coronavirus at Disney Resorts, Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway, and More

In this edition of Theme Park Bits:

  • Walt Disney World releases an updated statement on coronavirus.
  • Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway has opened.
  • Downtown Disney regains one of its flagship beverage locations.
  • And more!

By now, you have probably heard just a wee bit about the still-spreading coronavirus. (I certainly hope you’re not using Theme Park Bits to get your world news. Not the best strategy!) Three of the six Disney theme-park resorts are currently closed as a way to ward off further spreading of COVID-19, but there’s been no major impact on Walt Disney World. Yet because the Orlando resort is a location where people from around the world travel, from the young to the old, there’s been understandable concern. A couple days ago, the resort released a new statement emphasizing that they’re keeping tabs on the state of the virus in Florida (where there are a few cases), adding hand sanitizer stations, and generally promoting better cleanliness among guests. Let me be the billionth person to tell you: wash your hands! Wash them well! Like, right now, who knows where you’ve been.

In much happier news, but still related to Disney, Downtown Disney in Anaheim has regained one of its longer-lasting locations. What was once known as Jamba Juice, the place to get smoothies, shakes, and bowls, is now…Jamba, a place to get…smoothies, shakes, and bowls. Re-branding aside, most of the same menu items are still available at Jamba, which is still in its previous location. The grand opening event on February 28 was led by one of the Disneyland Resort Ambassadors (which I imagine is a pretty nice job if you can get it), and included games, a DJ, and more. Of course, there won’t be a DJ, I imagine, there now. But you still can get a refreshing smoothie again!

Also in good news, and back in Orlando, you may have heard that Disney’s Hollywood Studios has a new attraction, in the old spot where The Great Movie Ride (RIP, you beautiful behemoth) used to be. That, of course, is Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway, which opened on March 4 and is themed to the modern Mickey Mouse shorts. So far, the early reviews have been quite positive (including from our own site founder Peter Sciretta). For those of us who have to wait to experience the attraction, we can at least say hello to Chuuby, an orange bird that shows up in the ride. If you choose not to spoil yourself on a ride-through video, you’ll have to wait to find out whatever Chuuby is all about.

So, who’s ready for Halloween? What’s that? You say it’s early March and there’s no possible way or reason that we should be talking about a fall-based holiday? Well, bad news, friend, because we do have a good reason: tickets for Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party are now available for purchase. And if you think that’s early, wait until you hear when the events are occurring at Walt Disney World: from August 3 to November 1. As a reminder, this hard-ticket event will shut down the Magic Kingdom only on select nights throughout those three months, but yes. August 3. You can go to a Halloween event in Orlando on August 3. Seems a bit early to me, but hey, you do you.

So you’re spending time in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in Disney’s Hollywood Studios. I hope you’re enjoying yourself, especially now that you can eat breakfast there too. It’s not just that you can get blue milk at the land now, but you can enjoy some quality egg bites, yogurt cups, and Green Milk Bread Pudding. That last option, depending on how much you like green milk and/or bread pudding, might seem delectable or disgusting. (I can only speak for myself and my own family: I liked blue milk fine, but my wife and son were both quite grossed out by it. A breakfast version of that would be for select tastes only.

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