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‘Underwater’ Clip: Kristen Stewart Dives Into Danger

In Underwater, a team of researchers gets into deep trouble when they run afoul of undersea terror. Kristen Stewart, Vincent Cassel, Jessica Henwick, John Gallagher Jr., Mamoudou Athie, and T.J. Miller play the members of the team, and in this new clip, they all have to climb into some bulky suits to make their way into the ocean. Needless to say, trouble arises.

Underwater Clip


As a fan of Kristen Stewart and the aquatic horror subgenre, I’m looking forward to Underwater. That said, I sure hope this clip isn’t an accurate representation of the film itself. It’s not the content that I have a problem with, it’s the way it’s presented. This clip is jumpy and choppy, full of weird quick cuts that would make even Michael Bay blush. Here’s hoping this footage has just been edited this way for this clip.

In Underwater, “A crew of underwater researchers must scramble to safety after an earthquake devastates their subterranean laboratory.” And of course, there’s some sort of monster involved, because there always is. Aquatic horror films have almost always followed the formula of Alien: a crew of people cut-off from humanity has to go up against some sort of inhuman beast. Is it derivative? Sure! But that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. Despite the jumpy editing here, I do like the sense of danger and dread that’s on display. The overall atmosphere of the film appears to be “We’re so fucked!”, and honestly, who can’t relate to that these days?

Underwater opens January 10.

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