After opening up about accidentally dumping water on Eminem at the Academy Awards, Salma Hayek told her Instagram followers that she later came across something that may have changed how she feels about the encounter.
Speaking to Variety following the big night, Eminem was asked if he enjoyed himself. “Absolutely,” he said. And why did he have such a good time? “I got to hug Salma Hayek!” It sounds like he’s not holding a grudge against her for the water incident.
Hayek’s fans were just as charmed by the meeting, leaving comments on her post that showed that her actions only make her fans relate to her and adore her that much more. “omg you spilled water all over him???????? ksdjksjdjd it’s the kind of thing that probably would happen to me, lmao i love you so much,” one Instagram user wrote. Another one of the actress’ followers added, “Salma you are too real, I love you!”
Frankly, some did agree that Eminem appeared to be “terrified,” but honestly, wouldn’t most of us be a little intimidated if we were suddenly approached (and drenched) by Salma Hayek?
Written by: Nicki