Guinness World Record
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in Buzz, Nigeria, PrimetweetsPeller Sets Out to Shatter Guinness World Record with a 5-Day YouTube Streaming Marathon
436 Shares25k Views
in Buzz, Nigeria, PrimetweetsNigerian Model Shatters Guinness World Record with Epic Catwalk Streak
480 Shares42.5k Views
in LifestyleVietnamese Expatriate Sets Guinness World Record with 7,000 Signatures on Car
436 Shares35k Views
in Viral Gossip12 Months Old Ghanaian Child Becomes Guinness World Record Holder
436 Shares50k Views
in Viral GossipHilda Baci celebrates 1st anniversary of Guinness World Record cook-a-thon
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in Buzz, Nigeria, Primetweets, Viral GossipRead-a-thon: Former Student Union Leader Aims To Set 214 hour Reading Record
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in Buzz, Nigeria, Primetweets, Viral GossipFUOYE Student Set To Beat Drums For 150 Hours In Guinness World Record Attempt
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