
13 Years Old Me Was Scammed While Trying to Join Wizkid’s Label – Seyi Vibez Reveals

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“Na government liability"- Reactions as Seyi Vibez yanks off ‘musician’ from bio, replaces with ‘government official'
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Seyi Vibez, a well-known Nigerian musician, shared a story about being scammed when he tried to become a part of Wizkid’s record label, Starboy Entertainment, at the start of his career.

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He mentioned that he searched online for information on joining Starboy Entertainment and found a contact number.

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After calling the number, he was instructed to pay N10,000 for a registration form, which he did. Unfortunately, he was blocked after making the payment.

This revelation was made by the artist during a recent interview with Wazobia FM in Lagos.

Seyi Vibez said:

“I remember when I was 13 years old, I wanted to sign to Starboy, I went to Google and typed, ‘How to register to Starboy record label.’ I saw one number and I called the number, the guy who picked it said I should pay for form N10,000.

“That was how I sold my phone and paid the guy N10,000 but after the payment he blocked me. He told me that he was Wizkid’s recruitment officer. I said I would come for the screening; I would perform and Wizkid would judge my performance. So I fell for it.”

He advised up-and-coming artists not to sign up for any record label online.

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