
Alex Unusual Speaks on Affair with AY Makun

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TikToker claims that Alex Unusual is pregnant with AY Makun’s child
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Following a lengthy absence from social media, Alex Unusual has broken her silence and responded to allegations of being involved in a romantic relationship with AY Makun.

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Not long after Mabel’s divorce from AY was made public, a Tiktoker released voice recordings that were quite shocking.

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These recordings claimed that Alex Unusual was one of AY’s many mistresses and was carrying his child.

Prior to this, Alex Unusual had taken a break from social media and had not addressed the accusations. To the surprise of many, she created and shared a short video recently, explaining how she had deleted all her social media apps from her devices.

She disclosed that she had been under constant pressure to take the high road and remain silent, but she now intends to break that pattern by speaking out.

Although Alex did not directly address the allegations, she subtly refuted their validity and referenced Nigeria’s cybersecurity laws.

She reminded her online audience that she is a human being with feelings, and that their words do have an impact on her. Additionally, she vowed to allow the legal system to handle those who persist in cyberbullying her.

Watch her speak below;

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