
Harrysong Celebrates His Children on Children’s Amidst Online Fight with His Ex-Wife

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Despite the previous online conflict with his ex-wife, Alexer Peres, earlier in the day, Nigerian singer Harrysong decided to use social media as a platform to honor his children on Children’s Day.

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He posted heartwarming pictures of his kids, expressing gratitude for the happiness and positivity they bring into his life.

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Harrysong’s post read;

“Anytime Daviva see cake on the Table or on tv na happy birthday o. Lol. Happy children Day Daviva and Purity. They deserve all the love in this world. Today is their Day. This post is monitored pls no negetive comments. On this post. + swipe”

This heartwarming post came after a heated exchange with his ex-wife, Alexer, on social media, where they both made allegations and counter-allegations about their marriage and infidelity.

Despite the online drama, Harrysong chose to put aside their differences and celebrate their children, showing a positive co-parenting spirit.

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