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Nigerian musician, Ọlawale Ọlọfọrọ, known as Brymo, questions his colleague, Tiwa Savage, about a lyric from a song she sang with Simi.
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Tiwa Savage posted some elegant photographs of herself on her Instagram page with the remark, “You’re in my head papi.”
Brymo took to the comments section to ask what inspired the “Men Are Crazy” phrase in her duet with singer Simi.
He recognized that boys say similar things about the female gender in private, but no one has ever written a song solely on how “deranged” women are.
He wrote:
“Hey @tiwasavage .. I’d like to know the thoughts behind the .. “men are crazy” line… because it’s the one thing boys say most in private spaces about your gender, and none of us ever made a song exclusively about how deranged y’all are…. Yet you did with Simi, and you are the first of both that I am seeing post from since then… so I ask ;- did you play reverse psychology on us, and making the song a projection.. and gaslighting the shit out of me by that??? … or you have real reasons to say so ??… and if it be the latter, expand it for me, please!!.”
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