
Months after wife’s 60th birthday party RCCG suspends City Of David’s Pastor Iluyomade

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Months after the incident at his wife’s 60th birthday party, Pastor Idowu Iluyomade of RCCG City of David has been suspended.

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rccg city of david (via Primetweets)

Iluyomade was suspended by the church’s Governing Council for three months due to public outcry over the extravagant party.

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Pastor Charles Kpandei from RCCG Resurrection Parish has taken over but received a cold welcome.

The sources said: “Those in the City of David had been expecting Pastor Kpandei. Some top RCCG officials had to meet with some top people in the parish and confided in them that Pastor Idowu would have to be removed from the parish.

“They needed to get the confidence of these top people because of the great influence of Pastor Iluyomade in the parish. The RCCG was not sure of the outcome of its move, so it had to be discreet. He may not be returned to the parish after the suspension.

“We have just three months to the convention. It may be a way of taking him away from the place permanently. He has spent many years in that parish. He needed to be moved.

“It was not Pastor Adeboye that suspended him. The governing council decided to suspend him. I think it’s a decision in the right direction. Though some believe it is coming late. They needed to investigate some of the things people were saying against him and the church.”

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