
Oritsefemi ex-wife, Nabila speaks on failed marriage to singer

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Nabila Fash, the former wife of Nigerian musician Oritsefemi, has finally addressed the allegations made against her by the artist.

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nabila oritsefemi

In a recent interview, the sports journalist strongly denied the claims made by her ex-husband, including the accusation that she had suffered 21 miscarriages during their marriage.

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Previously, it was reported by Gistreel that Oritsefemi had revealed in an interview that he had been deceived by Nabila. She had accused him of fathering children secretly and cheating on her within their own home. This interview was conducted by media personality Jude Chidonwo.

In response to Oritsefemi’s revelations, Nabila spoke with renowned journalist Stella Dimoko Korkus and urged the public to disregard Oritsefemi’s interview, as she believed that all his claims were completely false.

Speaking on the 21 miscarriages, she said, “How is it possible that I miscarried 21 times and I am still normal? How is it possible that I lost 21 children? Why the lies? Please anyone who listened to his interview should disregard the narrative because it’s not true at all….

This is just a distraction, I am presently out of Nigeria working, so you can imagine the calls and encouraging words i have been getting, I was confused as to what was going on until it was made clear to me what he had said, this is a distraction but a funny one cos its all lies.”

Nabila also confirmed that they are officially divorced, and she is living her best life, “We are officially divorced. On March 21, 2024, our divorce pulled through, I am officially divorced and officially single and I am happy and living my best life!”

Addressing the allegations of sending 20 of her friends to attack Oritsefemi, she said;

“I don’t even have up to 20 friends and that never happened…..He is not the kind of person that anyone would attack and get away with it, so trust me that it never happened….it is a figment of his imagination.”

“My marriage was a nightmare that I woke up from. I don’t believe in running down an ex so I will not banter words. God has blessed me and elevated me and I will not look back in regret. I am not angry and I am at peace.I found closure from all the horrible things that happened. My advice to young ladies is look before you leap cos that jump might land you in deep shit.”

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