
Stanley Ontop drums support for Ruby Ojiakor despite backlash over Jnr Pope

Stanley Nwoko, also known as Stanley Ontop in Nollywood, continues to support Ruby Ojiakor despite the criticisms.

stanley ruby adanma jnr

Ruby has faced backlash for her behavior on Instagram after Junior Pope’s passing.

Stanley took to Instagram to express his unwavering support for Ruby, encouraging her to stay true to herself and continue her charitable efforts.

“Dear Ruby Orjiakor
You are loved.
Keep been real, Zero fake life. I admire your enthusiasm towards helping the less privileges.

A promise from Ontop, I will stand by you anytime any day.
Be good”.

He warned her to ignore Adanma Luke’s comments and not let others control her grieving process for the actor.

“Dear @ruby_ojiakor no one should tell you how to mourn JP. Pls don’t listen to what Ada and that uncivilized character said about you. You’re loved Fam.

I stand with you Ruby with my full chest”.


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