
“Why are u so scared to do DNA?“ – Sarah Martins quizzes late Mohbad’s widow, Wunmi

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Sarah Martins, an actress, has turned to social media to criticize Wunmi, the late artist Mohbad’s wife, following recent squabbles with his sister.

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sarah martins mohbad wumi 1

The actress sent a lengthy comment on Instagram expressing her anger with Wunmi in light of her sister’s ridiculous claims against the late artist.

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Karimot, Wunmi’s sister, had previously put a video online in which she claimed Mohbad infected his wife with STDs while he was alive.

Sarah Martins abused Mohbad’s 24-year-old widow, using Karimot’s viral video as blackmail. The actress expressed her displeasure on Instagram that Wunmi’s sister dared to accuse Mohbad in such a public manner, and that his wife had permitted it.

In her words:

“At this point, Wunmi is doing too much!
Kai! Some women do get sense true true…
Your kwashiorkor sister had the effrontery to boldly come online to accuse your so-called beloved late husband of giving you a series of infections when he was alive and you allowed it??? Why are u so scared to do DNA tho? If I were you, I would have done it long ago to clear my name and protect the legacy of my late husband!.”
“When did you move from mourning Mohbad to mocking Mohbad?????
I am so disappointed in you!
Kai!!!! Such a senseless widow!.”

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