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Iyabo Ojo receives knocks for attacking Faithia Balogun on birthday (Screenshots)

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Actress, businesswoman and single mum of two, Iyabo Ojo has received knocks from some of her fans for calling out her senior colleague, Fathia Balogun on her 51st birthday on Wednesday.

Recall that Iyabo Ojo who turned 42 in December, ripped Faithia Balogun apart in an Instagram post revealing that she is a backstabber and a witch.

Iyabo Ojo Shares Beautiful Photos To Celebrate Her 42nd Birthday today (PICS)

“You never cease to amaze me & I’m not surprised bcos you remain number one agbaya in Nollywood … no self respect @ all, you envy the younger ones and pretend to Love the ones that you benefit from somehow but at the end you still anit loyal …. You are a Witch….but guess what I’m that lioness who will always come out victorious no matter how hard you try to pull me down or destroy my name spiritually….. Darkness & Light can never be on the same page & I make bold to say you are a terrible person …….. Back off witch” Iyabo Ojo’s post reads in part.

Although Iyabo Ojo has since deleted the post but not before it went viral, many of her fans weren’t happy with such a move.


Here are some reactions as collated on the Facebook page:

One Emmanuella sultan wrote “This post only proves that Iyabo Ojo herself is a witch. Why would you take to social media to say all those cruel things about a colleague on her birthday. Why? Such an immature move. She just lost a fan because of this, I am highly disappointed. Her so called friends that she presently has should better be weary of her because whenever they have issues or stop being friends, this is how she will try and embarrass on their big days too.”

faithia williams

A Veronica Eze wrote ” This people are so amateur, two years ago you waited until her birthday to come out and make noise, and your calling a follow woman agbaja, so you no go old again. You guys should grow up”

A CP Prety John wrote ” I so much hate all this Yoruba actresses ,,,they only have eyes service love for themselves,…yes I accept even if she offend you…of all the days .. is the day of her birthday you see to say all this trashed….na only you know witch….Mrs Agbaya.. “

One Opeyemi Akins wrote ” See this one,this is your own birthday wish abi?,may God deliver you “

iyabo ojo flaunts massive backside in new photos 2

One Olyainka Ajagunna wrote ” iyabo ojo… you are a bad human being. if at all she offended you, why on her birthday? Big Olosho of Nigeria. I think you want her to worship you , you never think her fan can celebrate her in Dubai, enemy of progress. May God judge you. “

Faithia Williams

A Tosin Kasali wrote ” Obviously iyabo lack self esteem, she love to fight her seniors and later she will be fighting younger ones for respect. Always seeking d younger ones to call her Aunty, @ 42 you lack dignity. Better grow and stop this nonsense, aunty fathia cud have hurt u but why showing urself to d public? What lesson are u giving ur kids? Bullshit “

iyaboo kncked

Interestingly Faithia Balogun shunned the message and moved on by promoting her forthcoming birthday party in Istanbul and a fan, Princess Bola had this message for her.

” My advice for Faithia is she should be mingle with her mates such as Toying Adewale, Bimbo oshin, Jaye kuti, Lola Alao, Ayo Adesanya, Bukky wrighr, etc she should stop making intimate friends with the younger one it would caused disrespect that is why I like Bukky wrght and Bimbo oshin they are well respected in the Industry”


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