
Ask With A Sincere Heart! – My Story

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Hi Everyone,

This is my first story here. Thank you so much to Rhonda, The Secret team, and to everyone for sharing so many success stories to motivate others to have and live the life they dream about. I always wanted to experience something so special, a miracle from the Universe to publish here. And now I have.

Here is the story in short. I am in a long distance relationship and due to Covid, we did not get a chance to meet in person for almost 5 months. So, I wanted to meet him in a specific city, BBS, in my state. I also wrote down in my gratitude journal a specific date, before the 15th, for it to happen.

A week before the 15th, my best friend informed me that she was coming to BBS for 2 days. Accordingly, I planned my trip to BBS on the 13th and also told my entire plan to my boyfriend. I told him that if he could join me it would be really great. However, he said he could not do it because he had some important work to do at home. So I exclude meeting him from my schedule.

Then all of sudden, my boyfriend texted me on the 15th in the afternoon that he wanted me to collect from a courier for him from one of his friends who stays in BBS. When I reached the location where I was supposed to meet his friend, he was waiting in person to surprise me.

The law of attraction is very powerful. The Universe always listens to our prayers and desires and it knows how to rearrange circumstances to make them happen.

If you really want something, just believe that it is already done. That you already have it. Visualize the details of living your dream and keep the faith and you will surely manifest what you desire. That is the amazing power that we all have in our thoughts and positive thinking.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so very much to the Universe!!! Thank you so very much to The Secret!

Submitted by: Richa A.


A 26 year old girl who believes in the LOA and the Universe.

Powered by The Secret


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