
How I Manifested A New Love. – My Story

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So, I am gonna jump straight into the story. I was really depressed around Oct of 2022. I had broken up with my then-boyfriend, who I thought is the love of my life. The worst part was that he was also my friend. So when things ended, I lost a lover and friend both at once. After this, I immediately threw myself into the dating game. I didn’t want to cry over a guy, so I went on dates quite literally every day. However, I knew deep inside that this was not how I was going to find love.
Once I understood this, I stopped for some time and processed my emotions. I cried and finally let go of someone I never thought I would have to.

Now comes the breakthrough!

I knew about The Secret for a long time and was already a believer. I just somehow forgot about it after the breakup. I put The Secret practices into place and started to feel better. I started enjoying my life and stopped thinking about my ex. I found happiness inside of me and decided to embrace all that I already have. I did visualizations, gratitude, and affirmations. I started to slowly believe that I was in a happy, healthy, and committed relationship with the love of my life. I wanted to be with someone who was obsessed with me. Someone who wanted to put effort into being with me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Someone who was sure of me and I was sure of too!

Then out of the blue, the Universe delivered him to me. I didn’t think that I would be able to love someone as deeply, but I’m so glad that my thoughts were proved to be wrong. They say that when it has to happen, the Universe conspires and makes it happen.

Thank you so much to The Secret and the entire team for changing my life. Thank you so much everyone for constantly putting up your amazing stories.

I hope you get what you are wishing for and everything happens beautifully for you.

Submitted by: Anna P.


A pure heart can never fail.

Powered by The Secret


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