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Sometimes I Wish I Was An Angel.

Sometimes I Wish I Was An Angel.

Submitted by: Dineo

United Kingdom

Married mother of three beautiful kids, professionally lending a hand in human lives.

Yes I do wish I were an angel so I could solve all mysteries and help people resolve everything, especially reuniting them with their loved ones. I do wish I can make the world a better place.

I was introduced to The Secret by a colleague at work. Since then the books and the website have become my happy family and friends. Thank you God for this knowledge. Now I can purposefully follow the LOA and manifest.

Twins run in my family. My mother had them but God needed them more. So as a teenager I used to watch every birth in my family and would say to people, oh its a boy or a girl, with happiness. I would go on and say that I will have twins one day. I told friends about my late brothers and that no one since mom, has had twins, so this means I will have them. Then I forgot about it.

I met a wonderful husband years later and we had our son on Christmas day. He is turning ten this year, thank you God, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit. Four years later we were blessed with a boy and a girl. Yes!! Twins!! Now I know I talked them into existence.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

FaithFamilyFutureGoalsGratitudeInspirationLifeRelationshipsLetting Go

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