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30 Women-Led Movies Streaming on Netflix Now

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Strong women leads have been dominating the big and small screens, giving viewers a look into complex, complicated, intriguing, and inspiring women characters of all kinds. From movies that motivate to flicks you can veg out to, Netflix has titles that pack a punch with good storylines and badass female leads. The best part is, you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home to absorb inspiration from these kick-ass women.

The streaming service has an incredible selection of movies featuring girls and women who grow up, take risks, kick butts, and take names. We’ve rounded up a selection of women-led films you can stream now, including meditative films like “Marriage Story” to rom-coms like “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.” Get ready to binge the best movies on Netflix featuring your favorite leading women.

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— Additional reporting by Lauren Harano, Haley Lyndes, and Naomi Parris


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