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CaseInvestigation into the “Yellowjackets” Cannibalism Incident: What We Know So Far

The first episode of “Yellowjackets” introduced viewers to the titular team after their plane crashed in the woods, forcing them to resort to a ritualized form of cannibalism. As season two begins, fans are still wondering who the girl in the pit is, and who will be the first survivor to be eaten. Despite the cannibalism, the cast and crew of the series have stressed that it isn’t the only messed up thing that’s going to happen in the show.

Have the Yellowjackets Eaten Anyone Yet?

As of the first episode of season two, the Yellowjackets have yet to resort to cannibalism for survival. However, Shauna does put Jackie’s ear in her mouth after it fell off, and it appears she may have eaten it, which could make her the first cannibal.

What Have the Adult Yellowjackets Said About the Cannibalism?

In the present-day timeline, Misty, Taissa, Nat, and Shauna have not explicitly talked about cannibalism. However, when Shauna kills Adam and calls on the other girls to help her cover it up, Misty orders her to cut his body into pieces. Shauna and her friends can’t help but joke about how this isn’t her first time doing this, seemingly a dark joke about their history of cannibalism.

Who Is the Girl in the Pit?

The identity of the girl in the pit in the first episode is still unknown. Based on who’s still around in the present day, it seems most likely that figure will be one of the Yellowjackets who aren’t a main character: Crystal, Mari, Gen, and Melissa, who all have long black hair. The pit girl is wearing Jackie’s necklace, but it’s not clear how she got it.

New episodes of “Yellowjackets” premiere Fridays on streaming and Sundays on Showtime. Fans are eager to find out what will happen next as the characters face a hunger crisis brought on by winter and if they will be forced to resort to cannibalism once again.


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