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Ben Affleck Breaks Into a Smile at New York Conference: Is Jennifer Lopez the Reason Behind His Joy?

No one can discuss Jennifer Lopez’s latest events without also considering what Ben Affleck is up to. There’s always interest in how he’s spending his time while she continues her glamorous career in show business.

Recently, Jennifer attended the premiere of the movie Wicked in Los Angeles along with one of her 16-year-old twins from her marriage with Marc Anthony. This brought up the pressing question among reporters: What was Ben Affleck doing?

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Affleck Shares Insights on His Start-Up

It’s easy to find the answers on the internet. While Jennifer was walking the red carpet, Ben was in New York City attending CNBC’s Delivering Alpha conference as a guest. There, he discussed his start-up ‘Artists Equity’, which he co-founded with Matt Damon and investor Gerry Cardinale, aimed at transforming the compensation structure for people engaged in film productions.

Affleck’s Unexpected Cheerfulness

Many were pleasantly surprised to see Affleck in high spirits, smiling and appearing joyful, particularly contrasting with his often serious demeanor in recent months.

He even took a moment to clarify why he sometimes seems unapproachable: “I’m a bit shy, which is why I might look angry in photos when cameras are pointed at me,” he explained.


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