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BUZZ: Kellyanne Conway and Molly Jong-Fast’s Disagreement Sparks Controversy in Washington, DC

The clash between liberal media darling Molly Jong-Fast and Trumpworld power broker Kellyanne Conway has been the talk of DC. Reports from the White House Correspondents’ Dinner on Saturday suggest that the two have a strained relationship. It appears that the disagreement stems from Jong-Fast’s cryptic suggestion of the Conways’ impending divorce on her show in March.

Conway reportedly approached Jong-Fast at the dinner and told her, “You’re a mess!” Conway has denied ever having a conversation with Jong-Fast, while Jong-Fast claims that her association with Conway does her no good.

The tension between the two has been so intense that it has overshadowed even the bitter divisions between Democrats and Republicans in DC. It’s clear that the rivalry between Jong-Fast and Conway is one of the most acrimonious clashes of the moment.


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