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Christina Hall’s Pursuit of Husband Number 4 Raises Concerns

Christina and Josh Hall recently filed for divorce, and Christina has already begun joking about marrying her fourth husband. Some fans feel it’s too soon for such jokes.

After three years of marriage, the HGTV personalities called it quits in July 2024. Their split involved back-and-forth filings, with Christina contesting Josh’s spousal support request publicly. The divorce has turned messy, with both parties airing grievances on social media.

As the divorce proceedings unfold, Christina’s jests about a fourth husband suggest she may be moving too quickly for some fans’ comfort.

Fans urge Christina to pause on dating

Christina made a lighthearted comment on Instagram about not wanting a fourth ex-husband, but fans were not amused. Some expressed concerns about her readiness to jump into another marriage so soon after her third divorce.

Fans on social media platforms like X and Reddit criticized Christina’s rapid marriage turnover, highlighting potential ramifications on her children. However, her ex-husband, Tarek El-Moussa, believes she will overcome this challenging phase.


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