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Giuliana Rancic’s Fashion Police Co-Stars: Their Opinions

What Giuliana Rancic's Fashion Police Co-Stars Have Said About Her

Giuliana Rancic has been known for her fashion critiques on “Fashion Police” alongside Joan Rivers, George Kotsiopoulos, and Kelly Osbourne. They critiqued celebrity fashion choices with wit and candor. While Rancic was usually on point with her critiques, she also faced backlash, including some from her own co-hosts.

An incident involving Zendaya at the 2015 Oscars marked a notable controversy for Rancic when her comments were considered offensive. This incident, among others, led to tensions between Rancic and her co-stars, impacting their relationships.

Kelly Osbourne’s Long-Standing Issue with Giuliana

Kelly Osbourne had a significant fallout with Giuliana Rancic, particularly after the Zendaya incident. The misunderstanding surrounding Zendaya’s remarks led Osbourne to clarify her stance, eventually leading to her departure from the show.

Years later, Osbourne still holds resentment towards Rancic, as highlighted in a podcast where she expressed her disdain for her former co-host. The Zendaya incident played a crucial role in souring their relationship and Osbourne’s decision to leave the show.

Joan Rivers’ Thoughts on Giuliana’s Beauty Choices

Joan Rivers had a more light-hearted approach to her critiques on Giuliana Rancic, particularly focusing on her beauty decisions. Rivers shared her opinions on Rancic’s hair color choices, adding a humorous touch to her critiques.

Despite the occasional banter, Rancic held Rivers in high regard, considering her a mentor and expressing gratitude for Rivers’ guidance in the industry. Rancic’s reflections on her relationship with Rivers showcase a deep sense of appreciation and respect towards her late colleague.


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