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Legal Dispute Involving David Copperfield and Neglected Luxury Apartment in NYC

Renowned magician David Copperfield is facing a lawsuit concerning his Manhattan penthouse, which has allegedly been neglected, causing substantial damage to the building’s structure.

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Challenges with Copperfield’s Manhattan Property

A lawsuit brought by the board of the Galleria Condominium alleges that Copperfield’s neglect has left the luxury complex in need of significant repairs and facing potential safety risks.

Copperfield, who acquired the 15,000-square-foot quadruplex in 1997 for $7.4 million, is accused of storing various novelties in the apartment, resulting in maintenance neglect and costly incidents.

One notable event outlined in the lawsuit occurred in 2015 when the rooftop pool in Copperfield’s unit allegedly burst, causing damage to the building’s structure and elevators, affecting floors as far as 30 levels below.

Financial Impact of Neglect

In 2018, Copperfield reportedly vacated the property, leaving it in a depreciated state that worsened over time, leading to additional damages, including flooding from a valve failure.

The lawsuit states that the estimated repair costs for the damages amount to $3 million, with ongoing unresolved issues posing risks to safety and health.

An evaluation conducted by a hired company highlighted concerns about decay, structural integrity, and mold growth, which have allegedly not been adequately addressed despite purported repair attempts by Copperfield.

The Galleria Condominium board is seeking $2.5 million in damages along with punitive measures and legal expenses.

A spokesperson for Copperfield refuted the claims, stating that the presented photographs do not represent the current condition of the property and dismissed the situation as an insurance matter that will be resolved through legal proceedings.


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