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Oscar De La Hoya and Holly Sonders advocate for health after viral video controversy

Oscar De La Hoya and Holly Sonders transform controversial viral video into powerful health campaign

Oscar De La Hoya and Holly Sonders, previously under scrutiny for a daring video, have shifted the narrative towards promoting health awareness. Following backlash over a provocative dance video, the couple is now using their platform to spread a crucial health message.

In a subsequent video, dressed similarly in bold attire, De La Hoya and Sonders unveil the deeper intention behind their provocative dance:

Oscar de la Hoya and Holly Sonders’ health initiative

The initial video, initially pulled from Instagram due to controversy, has been repurposed into a public service announcement aimed at dismantling stigmas surrounding health discussions and encouraging open dialogue. Through a spirited yet earnest approach, De La Hoya and Sonders are leveraging their popularity for a cause greater than themselves: saving lives.

Shedding light on the significance of prostate exams and mammograms, Sonders remarked, “Many viewed us as unconventional, but our goal was to spotlight cancer awareness,” echoed by Oscar’s plea, “Let’s eradicate cancer!”

1724849203 155 Oscar De La Hoya and Holly Sonders transform controversial viral (via Primetweets)

Generously donating $50,000 to Adventist White Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles, to facilitate essential screenings for underserved individuals, the couple’s contribution coincides with Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, showcasing De La Hoya’s personal dedication to combating cancer, a cause close to his heart following his mother’s battle in the 1990s.

Through this act, De La Hoya and Sonders aspire to reach a wide audience, emphasizing the criticality of early detection for survival. Their objective extends beyond mere entertainment to safeguarding their loved ones.

While their initial dance video may have seemed like a fleeting moment of enjoyment and self-expression, their subsequent actions have surprised supporters and critics alike.

A Simple Article About Instagram Embedding

Instagram is a popular social media platform known for its image and video sharing features. Embedding Instagram posts on websites has become a common practice to share content with a wider audience.

Embedding an Instagram post involves using the Instagram embed code provided for each post. This code is inserted into the HTML of a website to display the post seamlessly within the page.

To embed an Instagram post, you need to access the post on the Instagram website or app, click on the three dots menu, and then select the “Embed” option. This will provide you with the embed code that you can copy and paste into your website’s HTML.

Once the embed code is added to your website, the Instagram post will appear with the same layout and design as it does on the Instagram platform. Users can interact with the embedded post by liking, commenting, or following the post creator directly from the website.

Instagram embedding is a great way to showcase user-generated content, promote products, or simply share engaging posts with website visitors. It can enhance the visual appeal of a webpage and increase user engagement.

Instagram provides developers with tools and APIs to customize how embedded posts are displayed on websites. This allows for a more personalized and integrated experience for both the website owner and their audience.

In conclusion, Instagram embedding is a valuable tool for sharing Instagram content beyond the platform itself. It offers a seamless integration of posts into websites, providing an interactive and visually appealing way to engage with audiences.

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