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Princess Diana’s Former Butler Criticizes Meghan & Harry

Times Princess Diana's Former Butler Brutally Shaded Meghan & Harry

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle aren’t the fairytale couple people envisioned. A 2022 YouGov poll revealed that a considerable percentage of Brits dislike Harry and strongly disapprove of Markle, branding her one of the most reviled celebrities online. Leading the pack of critics is Paul Burrell, Princess Diana’s former butler and self-proclaimed confidante, who regularly condemns the couple in the media.

Paul Burrell, a close associate of the late Princess Diana, was considered her trusted friend by some but viewed skeptically by others, including Diana’s mother and her sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. In public statements and testimonies, Harry expressed strong disapproval of Burrell’s actions, accusing him of indiscretion and profiteering from Diana’s belongings.

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Despite facing criticism from Diana’s family and inner circle, Burrell continues to publicly criticize the Royal Family, particularly Harry and Meghan, whom he derogatorily refers to as “Ginge and Whinge.”

Harry and Meghan’s Social Circle Shrinking

Paul Burrell claimed that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are losing friends rapidly, with their inner circle diminishing. Burrell mentioned in an interview that high-profile individuals are distancing themselves from the couple, including Oprah Winfrey and other celebrities who used to associate with them. Once a celebrated duo, they have seen a decline in their popularity over time.

While the specifics of Burrell’s statements are hard to confirm, there have been instances where Meghan’s connections in Hollywood have severed ties with her. Additionally, revelations from Harry’s memoir led to confrontations with friends who expressed disappointment over his candidness during the Oprah interview.

Accusations Against Meghan as a ‘Predator’

Paul Burrell did not mince words when describing Meghan Markle as a “predator,” alleging that she exploits people for her gain and then disposes of them once she no longer needs them. He suggested that this behavior is a reason for the diminishing size of her social circle. Burrell also implied tension between the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the Beckhams, insinuating that the Beckhams distanced themselves from Harry and Meghan.

Reports indicate a possible rift between the Sussexes and the Beckhams, stemming not from exploitation but from allegations that the Beckhams leaked stories to the press, leading to a contentious phone conversation between David Beckham and Prince Harry.

## An Analysis of the Royal Family Drama

### Concerns Over Harry’s Choices
Paul Burrell raised a poignant point about Princess Diana’s hypothetical reaction to Harry abandoning royal duties for a Hollywood lifestyle. He emphasized that Diana would have reminded Harry of his lineage and the importance of serving the Royal Family.

### Doubts About Meghan and Harry’s Future
Paul Burrell expressed skepticism about Meghan Markle’s intentions, suggesting that her bond with Harry may not last. He implied that Meghan might seek a wealthier partner in the future, leaving Harry behind.

### Speculations on Harry’s Return
Despite his earlier doubts, Paul Burrell hinted at a possible realization by Harry regarding Meghan’s alleged motives. He speculated that a future split might prompt Harry to mend relations with his royal family back in the UK.

In conclusion, the ongoing saga involving Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, and the British monarchy continues to attract attention and speculation, with varying opinions on the couple’s choices and future outcomes.


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