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The Mystery Behind Zooey Deschanel’s Love Affair with Bangs

Zooey Deschanel’s signature bangs play a vital role in her classic, charming look. Whether she is acting in “New Girl,” appearing in fashion visuals, or showcasing her relationship with Jonathan Scott, her bangs are always part of her style. Even though Deschanel is stunning without them, she prefers her fringe. In a 2023 interview with People, she stated, “I look better with them. I’ve had them since I was two.” Throughout her life, she has occasionally let them grow out but always returns to them.

In an interview with Bustle from the previous year, Deschanel discussed how integral her bangs are to her identity. “I feel more like myself with them; they define me,” she expressed. Her journey with bangs began in childhood, where they were part of her standard haircut. She mentioned in a chat with the “Today” show’s Hoda Kotb that she believes bangs suit her better. Interestingly, her bangs have had a unique effect; as a child, she noticed that her forehead was notably lighter compared to the rest of her face due to being continually shaded by her bangs.

Nonetheless, Zooey Deschanel has mentioned a particular occasion where she would consider parting with her bangs—at least for a while.

Zooey Deschanel would give up her bangs under one condition

In a personal essay for Glamour in 2013, Deschanel shared her love for her bangs and mentioned what might lead her to abandon them. To her surprise, it would require a significant financial incentive to step out of her comfort zone for a new role. “I might give them up for a part, but I don’t feel like myself without them,” she stated. Deschanel emphasized that her bangs helped shape her unique identity among her peers, making her known as the “girl with bangs.”

Her unwavering attachment to bangs has certainly paid off; they undeniably complement her style, and without them, she looks quite different! Many fans find her bangs inspiring; one even wrote about postponing a “New Girl” rewatch because they knew they would be tempted to get bangs. Others have commented that while Deschanel always looks amazing, maintaining bangs can be tough for those without professional assistance. “It’s easy when you’re getting styled every day, but they can be a hassle for most people,” noted one fan. Still, Deschanel makes it seem effortless!


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