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The Transformation of Ines De Ramon, Brad Pitt’s Girlfriend

Brad Pitt has embarked on a serious relationship with Ines de Ramon following his split from Angelina Jolie. De Ramon, who was previously married to Paul Wesley, has undergone significant changes since her divorce.

De Ramon and Wesley remained discreet during their relationship. However, they eventually got married in February 2019. Their public appearances together were rare, notably at “The Game Changers” premiere in September 2019.

Ines de Ramon’s Journey Through Relationships

In September 2022, de Ramon and Wesley announced their separation after three years of marriage. Their divorce was finalized in February, with de Ramon requesting her maiden name back.

De Ramon was still legally married when she and Brad Pitt began dating in November 2022. Their relationship became public when they attended a concert together in Los Angeles.

Ines de Ramon Makes a Statement at the British Grand Prix

De Ramon and Pitt’s relationship grew stronger, with reports suggesting they were living together by February. Their public outings signaled a serious commitment.

At the British Grand Prix in June 2024, de Ramon showcased a new style, opting for a pastel blue dress and accessorizing with a pendant necklace and handbag. Her appearance displayed a noticeable increase in fashion effort.


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