Drake, the renowned rapper from Toronto, had a delightful time during a surprise look-alike contest at the local venue Apt 200 this past Saturday. Hosted by Casuals Cakery, the event featured 20 participants competing for the title of “Drake-alike“, and included some unexpected surprises.
The original prize was a “Toronto Manz” package that encompassed a bottle of Hennessy and a set of Backwoods cigars. However, Drake sweetened the deal by adding a $10,000 cash prize for the victor, which intensified the competition.
In a standout moment, 21-year-old chef Makayla Chambers captured the spotlight and the grand prize by presenting a creative and eye-catching rendition of the rapper’s style, complete with pigtails, which earned her enthusiastic cheers from the crowd.
“It feels great. It feels like I made it,” remarked Chambers to the Toronto Star. Her imaginative approach highlighted that originality can triumph over mere resemblance in this playful contest.
Public and online responses
The event gained momentum on social media, with user @emiliabadillia capturing the essence of the day, tweeting, “Something so symbolic about a little girl winning the Drake look-alike contest…” This unforeseen result resonated widely, adding an element of charm and humor.
In second place, YouTuber Anthony Potero and competitor John Puente showcased their comedic talents. Potero, with a curly wig, looked like Drake’s son, Adonis, embracing the fun vibe of the contest.
Drake is gearing up for a busy 2024, with his upcoming 11-date tour, The Anita Max Win Tour, beginning February 9 in Melbourne, Australia. He’s also producing the third season of HBO’s Euphoria.
Once again, Drake’s blend of humor and generosity has showcased why he is adored in Toronto. His inclusion of unexpected rewards and acceptance of the contest’s surprises demonstrates his commitment to celebrating his community and entertaining fans.
This event not only highlighted Drake’s comedic flair but also his deep connection to his roots, affirming his status as a cultural icon on and off stage.