Vanna White has undergone a remarkable change during her time co-hosting “Wheel of Fortune” alongside Pat Sajak and Ryan Seacrest, who succeeded Sajak after his retirement. Known for her elegant gowns, White has always delivered her role as the show’s main letter-turner with grace, complemented by her dazzling smile and fluctuating makeup styles that have adapted over the years. In an interview with Oprah Daily, she mentioned the extensive makeup routine required for filming, stating, “I wear a lot of makeup on camera. It takes about an hour, and I let my makeup artist take the lead since she knows my face better than I do.”
Despite this, White is knowledgeable about makeup, having created a line inspired by “Wheel of Fortune.” In 2023, she partnered with Laura Geller Beauty to launch a limited-edition collection. Celebrating the release on Facebook, White shared, “When I’m not on the show, I prefer a simple makeup routine. My collection features everything you need in one palette, including three eyeshadows, two highlighters, a blush, and a bronzer. It’s versatile for full glam or a no-makeup look, and it’s easy to travel with!” Even with her makeup expertise, White has embraced going makeup-free at times, showcasing a noticeable contrast!
Vanna White leaves her makeup in the studio
In July 2024, Vanna White shared an unadorned selfie on Instagram while promoting her brother’s podcast, “Relatively Famous.” On her day off from her hosting duties, she appeared without any makeup, lending a more relaxed, homey feel that contrasts sharply with her glamorous television persona. With or without makeup, it’s clear that White continues to age gracefully!
Moreover, being as recognizable as White is, she reasons there’s little need for makeup. She told Oprah Daily that, even dressed down, fans easily spot her in public: “It’s odd that they recognize me in casual clothes. Once, in Venice, Italy, a stranger on a bridge shouted ‘Vanna!’ while I was on a gondola, and I was wearing a hat!” White attributes her recognizability to her lengthy television career, affirming, “I’ve been on camera for a long time, so there’s a good chance you’ve seen me before.” Absolutely, we concur!