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Jonathan Majors’s Bodybuilding Drama “Magazine Dreams” Set to Release in 2023

Jonathan Majors is getting ready for his next big movie role in “Magazine Dreams.” Directed by Elijah Bynum, the drama follows the story of Killian Maddox, an amateur bodybuilder played by Majors, who is trying to find human connection while chasing after recognition. The movie earned high praise from critics after its world premiere at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival.

In an interview with The Wrap, Majors discussed the film, saying it speaks to “the idea of the American dream, and what that looks like, and the fabric that makes up America: its religiosity, its militarism, its toxic masculinity, its absence of femininity.” The script, written by Bynum, was featured on the 2020 Black List.

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The cast of “Magazine Dreams” includes Majors, Haley Bennett, Taylour Paige, Mike O’Hearn, Harrison Page, and Harriet Sansom Harris. The movie is set to be released on Dec. 8.


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