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Review of “Mothers’ Instinct” Movie: Live Streaming & Download

The film “Mothers’ Instinct” relies on its sensational potential. The narrative showcases two exceptional actresses engaging in an intense conflict, reminiscent of classic melodramas. Director Benoit Delhomme appears to struggle in determining the film’s direction. It teeters between a traditional ‘women’s picture’ akin to films like “Leave Her to Heaven” and a contemporary grief drama, creating tonal inconsistencies, especially with its peculiar climax. Nevertheless, amidst this instability, the standout performances of the two leading women hint at the untapped potential of the film if guided by a more focused vision and tighter storytelling.

“Mothers’ Instinct,” loosely inspired by the French film “Duelles,” unfolds in a glamorous portrayal of 1960s suburban America. The story revolves around two women, Alice (Jessica Chastain) and Celine (Anne Hathaway), and their families. The initial scenes establish some marital tensions and struggles with parenthood. A tragic incident involving the children sets the stage for the emotional turmoil that follows, delving into grief, guilt, and suspicions between the two mothers. Hathaway and Chastain deliver compelling performances that anchor the film during its most riveting segments.

As the narrative progresses, Alice starts suspecting Celine of veering towards darker intentions, drawing comparisons to Hitchcock’s storytelling. The film excels in this middle act, presenting a gripping ambiguity surrounding Celine’s character and blurring the lines between coincidence and malice. However, as the story hurtles towards its conclusion, the film falters, struggling to balance its melodramatic and suspenseful elements, resulting in a rushed and disjointed finale that undercuts the actresses’ commendable portrayals.

The ambiguity of “Mothers’ Instinct” and its attempts to merge different genres prove to be its downfall in the final act. While aiming to evoke the styles of Sirk and Hitchcock, the film lacks the depth and tension required, leading to jarring narrative choices that disrupt the overall coherence. A more nuanced and deliberate approach to building suspense could have elevated the film’s impact, allowing the characters to breathe and the mysteries to unfold organically. Ultimately, the film struggles to maintain a consistent tone, leaving Hathaway and Chastain superbly stranded in a narrative that fails to fully unleash their emotional depth.

Available for streaming now.

Mothers' Instinct movie poster

Mothers’ Instinct (2024)

94 minutes


Anne Hathaway
as Celine

Jessica Chastain
as Alice

Anders Danielsen Lie
as Simon

Josh Charles
as Damian

Caroline Lagerfelt
as Jean


  • Sarah Conradt


  • Benoît Delhomme


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