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Review of “Rebel Moon – Director’s Cuts” Movie: Live Streaming & Download

Zack Snyder’s revamped “Rebel Moon” offers a new director’s cut with 110 additional minutes of content, elevating the R-rated space opera. The expanded scenes delve into character motives and flesh out the action sequences, albeit at a slower pace. The film centers on the farm planet Veldt, where a group of fighters, led by Kora, battles against space fascist Admiral Noble and his Imperium forces.

The new version of “Rebel Moon” packs more backstory, emotional stakes, and intense action but struggles with repetitive storytelling and monotonous gore-filled scenes. While the extended cut attempts to add depth and visual spectacle, it falls short of delivering a coherent and engaging narrative. The movie’s emphasis on brutality and violence overshadows the character development and thematic potential it aims to explore.

In this iteration, “Rebel Moon” attempts to inject topical subtext and emotional moments, with mixed results. The film’s best moments are its grand set pieces and explosive action sequences, showcasing Snyder’s signature style. However, the overall narrative lacks cohesion and emotional resonance, resulting in a bloated and unfulfilling viewing experience for all but the most dedicated Snyder fans.

Rebel Moon: Director's Cuts movie poster

Rebel Moon: Director’s Cuts (2024)

Rated R

204 minutes


Sofia Boutella
as Kora/Arthelais

Djimon Hounsou
as Titus

Ed Skrein
as Atticus Noble

Michiel Huisman
as Gunnar

DooNa Bae
as Nemesis

Anthony Hopkins
as Jimmy


  • Zack Snyder


  • Zack Snyder
  • Kurt Johnstad
  • Shay Hatten


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